This was a big week of finishes for us! It's always fun to (finally) wrap up a project that's been lingering in your sewing space, isn't it? It always seems that no matter how much I love a project, there comes a point (usually once I've started the actual quilting) that I just want it D.O.N.E. I do like the quilting part of making a quilt, but once the end is in sight, I just want to sew non-stop until I can throw it in the washer & wait anxiously for the finished product to come out of the dryer.
I got to the what-will-it-look-like-dance-in-front-of-the-dryer twice this week, for 3 quilts. First for my boys' birthday quilts, which I blogged about

I can't keep the baby off the quilts, sorry! Here's the back, (which I think my boys like better than the trucks in front. I used a Caleb Grey airplane print from Out & About, even though they originally requested all trucks. Funny how quickly the tastes of a 4 year old can change!)

I quilted both my twins' quilts with a borrowed & kind of janky waking foot, & I had some issues with the fabric puckering on the back. The front came out fine, thankfully, & my boys don't seem to care that there is a pinch or two visible on the backside.
Last but not least for me was this little cutie, which is going to be raffled off at a silent auction to support my little dudes' preschool. (The quilt, not the kid. We're keeping him!)

I worked with another mom on this one-- We collaborated on colors & hand prints, she did the piecing, & I did the back, the binding & the quilting, & embroidered the kids' names by their handprints. (All the non-glamorous, but essential, parts of making a quilt.) I'm really pleased with how it turned out, & I'm hoping it will raise a good chunk of money for the school. It's a Montessori-based co-op, which means that parents participate, both in the classroom & in fundraising, cleaning, and most anything else that needs doing. It's a great way to be involved & our whole family has really enjoyed our first year there.
Not to be left out, Lisa also finished this big lap-sized rag quilt she (& her boyfriend) made for her boyfriend's mom.

This was Steve's first try at making a quilt of any sort, & I think he did a pretty nice job! Besides, how cool is it to have a boyfriend embrace your sewing habit? The most I can get my husband to do is help with basting on occasion, & he squeaks when I ask him to do that. Although he did buy me a sewing machine, so he's not all bad. :)
Have a great weekend!
Linking up to
Finish It Up Friday over at
Crazy Mom Quilts.